Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Monster's Wedding Vows To Elizabeth, as transcribed by the infamous Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

This I swear on this fifth hand and this second jaw,
on the seventh toe of this fifty-fifth foot,
and on the third eyelid of this sixth eye:
I may have lived for the second time,
severed, dismembered,
I could still make up My mind;
all the replacements, I have numbered,
rejected transplants for they were easy to wear out, lifeless,
but you, o you, as long as I live,
died, live and be brought back once again,
you had, have and will have owned
this Man and his heart...
My second, My seventh, My tenth, and My last.


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I write less now

Sadness was my muse, I lived with her for decades she held me and cried with me in the dark, and I held her close, immortalized her in my wr...
