Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do not love me steadfastly

I submitted this poem to my Literature class's literary folio under the great Max Pulan in March 2011. - A.

Do not love me steadfastly
For even bright stars perish.
They fade like cold statues
In echo-filled museums,
Quiet, unnoticed,

Do not sleep tonight
Hoping for my warmth in the morning.
The strands of my hair
on your pillow
Will bring you no comfort
the next day.

Love me once, and never again.

Not in the corner of your room,
Shuttered, and listening
For the blossoming of a rosebud.

Love me once, and never again

On skyscraper roofdecks
Beneath black, satin sky
Gleaming with laughter
Burning from the warmth
That we

Tread blindly into the burning night.
Soon we too shall be
Dust motes in the galleries
Of a forgotten master.

1 comment:

  1. "On skyscraper roofdecks
    Beneath black, satin sky
    Gleaming with laughter
    Burning from the warmth
    That we

    gets. :>

    I love it, Aim. <3 This should totally go on Heights!!! 8D


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