Saturday, September 27, 2014

Veil of Ignorance

"One day the fog will lift, my dear,"
So the great creator said,
"And that which you have fought to know,
For which you've suffered and bled,
All answers I shall grant you, dear
In due time, you will see
I'll fill you in, don't worry dear,
When you've returned to me.
Don't cry, dear, I have bigger plans
For all you special things on Earth,
But I won't tell you yet, of course.
You've yet to prove your worth.

You can scream and stamp your foolish feet
Beneath the veil of ignorance you wear,
You may howl at the heavens all you want
But you'll never know if I'm still there.
Go ahead and complain to me
I'm always listening anyway,
But if it's a response you're looking for
Sorry but you'll just have to wait.
So get on with your menial day
And I'll get on with mine
I'll be watching silently as you plead
To change the course of time.
I'll be watching as you pound your fists
I'll watch you cry, and moan, and wail.
And I'll be up there, watching still
As you tremble beneath the veil."

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