Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I write less now

was my muse,
I lived with her for decades
she held me
and cried with me in the dark,
and I held her close,
immortalized her in my writing
about every heartbreak,
every walk in the rain,
every commute alone--
when all I had was her,
each line was poignant, sending ripples
across time-- my attempt
at negotiating with the void
to bring back all I had lost.

I write less now.

You see,
someone else holds the both of us now,
He holds us close,
he is strong and he is steadfast.
Though he writes no poetry,
He chooses us, he lives with us,
and we are his muse.

and so perhaps soon,
there will be no need
to write so much for her,
not to brood or
to writhe in the deep end,

So suddenly,
we find ourselves at the surface,
breathing and laughing,
rushing toward a brightness
in the horizon,
almost running on water,
skipping stones,
and tripping over ourselves
for that beautiful unknown
at the edge of the universe--
for the rest of our mortal lives,
a vow to exist together.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ad infinitum.

I had always wondered what it meant
"to be a faithful wife,"

The three hundred sixty-five
days multiplied
by the happiest years
of my life,

Each day feels alive
the moment I open my eyes
that although sometimes
we may be apart,
I know--
No, I trust
that I am safe with you.

I may never say it enough:
I love you, I love you, I love you,

Ad infinitum.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Anim na taong tiis

ang uhaw

na, maski makapagtampisaw sa 

sariwang batis, 

o rumaragasang ilog,

tikom ang labi't

laway lamang ang 





panandaliang ginhawa sa

nanunuyo't bitak na labi.

Anim na tao'ng tiniis


'di mapapawi

kahit salukin pa

ng baso-kada-baso

o sa hulma ng aking kapalaran

(walang patak ang masasayang sa siwang ng mga daliri) 

ang iyong karagatan, lahat





ginhawa, sa wakas.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Answer

What is life,
but a series of questions?
Every answer comes
surely, faithfully,
always, in its own
perfect season.

As a sickly child, I asked,
when will I feel better?
My mother would say,
When the sun is shining,
and the birds start singing,
that is, the next morning.

As a lovesick teen, I asked,
when will I find love?
My friends would say,
When you meet him, you'll know
he will not hesitate to show
how ready he is to love you.

As an exhausted doctor, I asked,
when will I find rest?
My fiance would say,
Absolutely nothing.
(he is the extremely quiet type)

He will pull me into his arms
and he will let me cry
or make me laugh
or let me fall asleep
or get me to eat...

He needs no words
for my overthinking,
questions unending,
poems unrhyming,

he simply is
the answer.

Saturday, March 30, 2024


There are secrets
I must keep from you
little treasures
that I like to keep close
You cannot peek!
I must lock these up
like a schoolgirl's diary
that you may not read
because you might
unwittingly, stop
adding to
my tiny collection (oh no!)

of stolen glances,
the butterflies you send
down my belly,
of humming little tunes,
as your fingers
trace smooth lines
on my hand when
we hold them together,
your dancing
of tiny dances
when you think
I am not watching,
and your every chuckle
to my every silly story,
your shy forehead kisses
barely brushing
against my hairline,
and the most precious piece--
the glint in your eyes
how you light up
at the sight of me

so you see,
still waters need not be troubled,
some things need not be said
about something as silly
as a secret crush
on my husband-to-be.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Barely visible in the horizon,
You were no Sirius--
far from it, yet
you were the one
I'd always known how to find.
It just took me a while,
hopping across constellations
(The Big Dipper,
all pointing me toward you
and I plucked you
out of the sky,
put you on a ring
and said "I do."

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Learning to Love

Screeching-- at first
the sharp edges
of two strange rocks
rough against the whetstones,
sparks fly
until softly
they fit together.

Featured Post

I write less now

Sadness was my muse, I lived with her for decades she held me and cried with me in the dark, and I held her close, immortalized her in my wr...
