Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Answer

What is life,
but a series of questions?
Every answer comes
surely, faithfully,
always, in its own
perfect season.

As a sickly child, I asked,
when will I feel better?
My mother would say,
When the sun is shining,
and the birds start singing,
that is, the next morning.

As a lovesick teen, I asked,
when will I find love?
My friends would say,
When you meet him, you'll know
he will not hesitate to show
how ready he is to love you.

As an exhausted doctor, I asked,
when will I find rest?
My fiance would say,
Absolutely nothing.
(he is the extremely quiet type)

He will pull me into his arms
and he will let me cry
or make me laugh
or let me fall asleep
or get me to eat...

He needs no words
for my overthinking,
questions unending,
poems unrhyming,

he simply is
the answer.

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The Answer

What is life, but a series of questions? Every answer comes surely, faithfully, always, in its own perfect season. As a sickly child, I aske...
