Saturday, April 2, 2011

Freefalling by Jessica-an Dizon

We’re running out of time
It is not a pleasant feeling
We’re running out of time
And the feeling is of falling

Freefalling into the unknown
Bursting into scenes untold
We know not what is to come
Only that which we have done

Our choices are
To go with the current
Or to stop

Going with the current would mean
Adapting to changes
Turning the pages
To the next chapters in the book of life
In which you are the protagonist

Stopping the freefalling would take
Something that could very well break
Not just your fall but also your back
You hit that thing and your back goes CRACK.

And if you succeed in stopping
The others will rush past you
You get left behind
Some may pause a while
Ask why you’ve stopped
What will you say then?

When you stop you might stand out
And that is not always a bad thing
It might turn out that you’re a bird
You turn to the sky and take wing

You soar and reach great heights
Heights to which you never before aspired
You take charge of your own self

(What, then, were you doing with us?
Maybe it took some liquid air
To help you find yourself)

So perhaps for some it is better
To go with the flow
You see, it is merely a matter
Of survival

Of the fittest? Maybe.
Being fit would imply
Being adaptable
To time, to change

So which will you choose?
To go with the current
Or to stop?

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